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  • What is Tempeh and how to make it?
    May 31, 2024

    What is Tempeh and how to make it?

      What is Tempeh and How to Make It? Tempeh is a traditional Indonesian food made from fermented soybeans that have been pressed into a compact cake. It has a distinctive nutty, earthy flavor and a firm, dense texture that...

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  • What is Koji and how to make it?
    May 27, 2024

    What is Koji and how to make it?

    What is Koji? Koji is a crucial ingredient produced by inoculating steamed grains, such as rice, barley, or beans, with koji mold spores (tane-koji). The koji mold is then carefully cultivated under optimal temperature conditions to facilitate its proliferation. Koji...

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  • Lacto-Fermented Pickled Jalapeños Recipe
    October 28, 2020

    Lacto-Fermented Pickled Jalapeños Recipe

    Here at FoodCraft, we are all about fermentation.When I see fresh, beautiful & organic produce, my mind starts spinning thinking.. "How can I ferment this..!" Fermentation does wonders. It basically "cooks" the produce without using heat. Meanwhile, it breaks down the...

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  • Lacto Fermented Lemons (Salted Lemons)
    August 17, 2020

    Lacto Fermented Lemons (Salted Lemons)

    We have just received beautiful lemons from South Africa!  These lemons are sweeter than the lemons we are used to - they actually taste like a sweet, juicy 'fruit'Lemons are great to hold on to - and when ordered in bulk, we...

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  • How to make Soy-free Tempeh - Red Lentil Tempeh
    August 11, 2020

    How to make Soy-free Tempeh - Red Lentil Tempeh

    Tempeh, you either love it or hate it. Just like all fermented foods, it is an acquired taste, but once you start to like it... you are hooked.The traditional Indonesian Tempeh is made with soy beans but just like miso, Tempeh...

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