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任何問題? WhatsApp 我們在 +852 5917 1181

無麩質第1級烹飪班 導師:Shima(英語授課)

原價 HK$880.00 - 原價 HK$880.00
HK$880.00 - HK$880.00
時價 HK$880.00


什麼是麩質? 為什麼無麩質很重要?

麩質是一種存在於穀物中的蛋白質。 小麥、大麥和黑麥。 這些蛋白質難以消化並刺激腸道,在腸道內壁形成疤痕,從而引起炎症反應。 有些人可能有明顯的反應,有些人的反應較少。 即使沒有乳糜瀉的人也可以從無麩質飲食中受益。 

許多人往往對麩質有輕微的不耐受或敏感性,這可能表現為腹脹、頭痛、疲勞或腹瀉。 如果是這樣,您可能想嘗試從飲食中排除麩質,看看它是如何起作用的。 無麩質飲食可能有助於提高您的生活質量。 

在本課程中,我們將首先了解什麼含有麩質,以及可以用於無麩質烹飪的替代麵粉或配料。 這些零食是為幼兒園開發的,它也不含乳製品和堅果,因此適合學校零食以及無麩質和無酪蛋白飲食的人。 和家人一起享受製作和吃這個!

*這將是一堂實踐課。 請帶上你的圍裙!






1 個圍裙
1 支筆


課程時長:2.5 小時



只需 +100 港幣, 你可以帶上你的 持工作簽證的家庭傭工. 請在確認預訂後通知我們,我們會作出相應的安排。 (僅供觀察)



收到所有費用後,我們將確認您的座位。 任何取消或更改的截止日期(例如。 重新安排)是 活動預定日期前 7 天. 截止日期後,所有費用將不予退還。 取消申請應在上課前至少 7 天以書面形式提出,以便處理任何退款。

*該政策適用於預定活動前 7 天內的註冊


Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Loved this class!!! 😋

Gluten free made items are very expensive where I live in New Zealand so I took the advantage, while being back here in HK, to take this class with Shima. I’m not a baker so I was tickled-pink with how easy the recipe’s were to prepare and oh sooo yummy!!! I’ve given five stars because I’m normally a complete disaster when it comes to baking but I left, full of confidence to replicate my success from this class with lots of tips and tricks, and with the most amazing Choc Macaroons, crackers, and muffins 😋😊

Dear Kiko,

Thank you for taking the time to leave us a wonderful 5-star review for our Gluten-Free Cooking Level 1 with Shima Shimizu. We're thrilled to hear that you loved the class and found the recipes to be easy to prepare and delicious.

We understand that gluten-free items can be expensive in New Zealand, and we're happy to hear that you took advantage of the opportunity to take our class while in Hong Kong. We're delighted to hear that you left the class with confidence to replicate the recipes at home and with lots of tips and tricks. Congratulations on your success with the Choc Macaroons, crackers, and muffins!

As a long-term good customer, we appreciate your support and are glad that we could provide you with a positive experience. We will miss you and hope that you will visit our store whenever you're in Hong Kong.

Thank you again for choosing our class and for being a valued customer. We wish you all the best and look forward to serving you in the future.

Best regards,
Foodcraft Team

Jessica Kan

Awesome class!

Dear Jessica,

Thank you for taking the time to leave a 5-star review about our Gluten Free Cooking Level 1 with Shima. We are thrilled to hear that you enjoyed the class.

At Foodcraft, we are committed to providing our customers with the best quality products and excellent service, and that includes our classes. We are delighted to know that you found our Gluten Free Cooking Level 1 with Shima to be helpful and enjoyable.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is always available to assist you and provide you with the best possible experience.

Thank you again for your support and for choosing Foodcraft. We look forward to serving you again in the future.

Best regards,
Foodcraft Team

Vicky Wong

Honestly, the procedure of booking the class was quite confusing . Please review the flow

<p>Thank you for your comment! Let us share this and we try our best to see how we can improve this better. Thank you again for your class purchase.</p>

After discussing with the team, yes it is confusing to choose a delivery date for a class. At this moment, we cannot change that immediately as the website is mainly an online store selling products to be delivered. However we will keep this in mind to find out a better way for customers. Thank you very much!