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任何問題? WhatsApp 我們在 +852 5917 1181

有機生松子 - 200g

原價 HK$233.00 - 原價 HK$233.00
HK$233.00 - HK$233.00
時價 HK$233.00


松子是松樹的堅果。 它們具有牛油質感和淡淡的甜味,製作鹹食或甜點皆宜。 松子營養豐富,富含人體必需的礦物質、維他命和對心臟有益的單元不飽和脂肪酸,有助於降低血液中的膽固醇水平。

松子是一種用途廣泛的食材,可製作多款菜式。 以下是一些用法建議:

1. 將它們添加到沙律中:松子是沙律的絕佳配料,因為它們增加了鬆脆的口感和堅果的味道。 將它們與綠葉蔬菜、蕃茄、青瓜和您最喜歡的沙律醬一起拌勻即可。

2. 用它們製作青醬:松子是傳統意大利青醬配方中的關鍵食材。 將它們與新鮮羅勒、大蒜、巴馬臣芝士和橄欖油攪拌均勻,製成美味且用途廣泛的青醬。

3. 將松子撒於意粉上:松子能夠增強意粉的風味,例如蕃茄醬或香蒜意粉。 只需以白鑊炒香松,然後撒於意粉上即可。

4. 將它們混合到烘焙食品中:松子為餅乾、蛋糕和麵包等烘焙食品增添了獨特的風味和口感。 嘗試將它們添加到您喜歡的烘焙食譜中,以增添滋味。

5. 作為零食:松子本身就是一種很好的零食,或者與其他堅果和乾果混合。 隨身攜帶一包松子,作為健康又有益的零食。

緊記將松子存放於密封容器中,並放於陰涼乾燥的地方,以保持新鮮。 隨時隨地享受烹調這款營養豐富的食材的樂趣!

松子是否低 FODMAP?
合適份量的松子被認為是低 FODMAP的,一份低 FODMAP的松子份量約為 2 湯匙(20 克)。 然而,值得注意的是,松子是低聚醣的來源,低聚醣是一種 FODMAP,可能會導致一些患有腸易激綜合症 (IBS) 或其他消化系統疾病的人出現消化系統症狀。

如果您遵循低 FODMAP 飲食,建議堅持食用合適的份量並監測您的症狀。 同時建議您諮詢註冊營養師或醫療保健提供者,以獲得有關您的特定飲食需求和個性化指導。

* 本產品是在同時加工小麥的純素廚房中生產的。 如果您擔心食物過敏,請在食用本產品前透過電郵聯繫我們:yummy@foodcraft.hk






Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Andrea Hernandez

I used the pine nuts roasted for a kale salad and the flavour was incredible smoked in the outside and very soft inside. Love them!

Dear Andrea,

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a wonderful 5-star review for our Organic Raw Pine Nuts! We are thrilled to hear that you have been enjoying this product and that it has exceeded your expectations

It's great to know that you found the pine nuts to have an incredible flavor profile when roasted. The combination of a lightly smoked exterior and a soft, buttery interior is exactly what we strive for with our high-quality, sustainably sourced pine nuts. We're so pleased that they were able to elevate your kale salad experience.

As a versatile and nutrient-dense ingredient, pine nuts can truly shine in a variety of sweet and savory applications. Whether you're using them raw, roasted, or incorporated into pesto, their rich, creamy texture and distinctive flavor can add a wonderful dimension to many dishes.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your positive experience with others. Reviews like yours help us to know that we are providing products that meet the needs of our customers and exceed their expectations

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions or feedback in the future. We're always here to support our customers and ensure they have a great experience with our products.

Christina H

fresh, nutty and crunchy

Thank you, Christina, for the fantastic 5-star review on our Organic Raw Pine Nuts - 200g! We're thrilled to hear that you found them fresh, nutty, and crunchy. We take pride in offering high-quality organic products, and it's great to know that our pine nuts met your expectations. We appreciate your support and hope to serve you again in the future.

Nathanel Kwan
Row and fresh

Row and fresh

Dear Nathanel,

Thank you so much for your 5-star review of our Organic Raw Pine Nuts! We're thrilled to hear that you enjoyed our products. We take pride in providing high-quality organic products, and your feedback is truly appreciated. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to serving you again in the future!