康普茶 (紅茶菌)製作班(英語授課)
Room B, 21F Yiuga Factory Building, No.62 Victoria Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island
Attend our Kombucha Workshop and learn how to make a yummy, fizzy and healthy drink at home!
I'm sure you've heard of this drink by now....If not, please go strait to the RSVP and sign-up for this class now :) You just have to try it! What's so good about it?
Research has shown that this anti-oxidant rich, pro-biotic beverage has benefits of detoxification, cancer prevention, digestion improvement, prevention of candida overgrowth, reducing or eliminating depression and anxiety, and even effective for boosting the immune system and energy levels.
.... And the list just gets longer....So, shall we keep it simple..'It's super yummy & good for your tummy!' Brew it! Kombucha is very easy to brew at home. You just need to follow a few steps and get to know your S.C.O.B.Y* and you're all set!
Haven't heard of that term before? Please proceed strait to RSVP :) (SCOBY is an acronym for symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast)
*Bring home a starter kit worth HK$480*
- How to brew Kombucha at home
- How to flavor your Kombucha
- How to maintain your SCOBY
- Recipes and brewing instructions
- Flavored Kombucha made in class
- Kombucha starter kit (including the SCOBY)
- 1x Pen
Cancellation Policy
We will confirm your seat(s) once all fees are received. Deadline for any cancellation request is 7 days prior to the start time of the class. All fees will become non-refundable after the deadline. Cancellation requests should be made in writing at least 7 days prior to the class for any refund to be made back to your account.