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Frozen Cranberries - 340g

原價 HK$0
原價 HK$69.00 - 原價 HK$69.00
時價 HK$69.00
HK$69.00 - HK$69.00
時價 HK$69.00


Introducing our seasonal item, premium Frozen Cranberries, nature's tangy jewels preserved at their peak for your convenience and enjoyment. Bursting with vibrant flavor and packed with essential nutrients, these frozen cranberries are the perfect addition to your culinary creations or a healthy snack on their own.

How to use frozen cranberries?
Frozen cranberries are incredibly versatile and can be used in various ways. Here are some popular methods for using frozen cranberries:

1. Baking: Add frozen cranberries to your favorite muffin, scone, or bread recipes. Simply fold them into the batter while still frozen. They will release their vibrant color and tangy flavor as they bake, adding a delightful twist to your baked goods.

2. Smoothies: Toss a handful of frozen cranberries into your blender along with other fruits, yogurt, and a liquid of your choice to create a refreshing and nutritious smoothie. The cranberries will provide a tangy kick and a burst of antioxidants.

3. Sauces and Compotes: Frozen cranberries are perfect for making cranberry sauces, compotes, and relishes. Combine them with sugar, orange zest, and a bit of water in a saucepan. Simmer until the cranberries burst and the sauce thickens. This versatile sauce pairs well with roasted meats, poultry, or as a spread for sandwiches.

4. Salads: Add frozen cranberries to your salads for a pop of color and a tangy flavor. Allow them to thaw slightly before tossing them with your greens, nuts, and cheese. The cranberries will add a refreshing element to your salad.

5. Drinks: Frozen cranberries can be used to enhance your beverages. Drop a few into sparkling water or lemonade for a festive and flavorful twist. You can also use them as a garnish for cocktails or muddle them in a cocktail shaker for a cranberry-infused drink.

6. Desserts: Use frozen cranberries to create delicious desserts like pies, cobblers, or crisps. Combine them with other fruits like apples or pears for a delightful flavor combination. The cranberries will add a tartness that balances the sweetness of the dessert.

Remember, when using frozen cranberries, there's no need to thaw them before incorporating them into your recipes. Their frozen state helps them retain their shape and prevents them from becoming mushy. Enjoy the convenience and versatility of frozen cranberries throughout the year!

Are Cranberries low FODMAP?
Cranberries are generally considered low FODMAP when consumed in moderate amounts. FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols) are a group of carbohydrates that can trigger gastrointestinal symptoms in some individuals, particularly those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Cranberries contain small amounts of certain FODMAPs, such as fructans and polyols, which are known to be potential triggers for digestive issues. However, the amount of FODMAPs in a typical serving of cranberries is usually low enough to be tolerated by most people.

The Monash University, a leading authority on the low FODMAP diet, suggests that a serving size of 40 grams (approximately 1/3 cup) of cranberries is considered low FODMAP. Larger amounts may contain higher levels of FODMAPs and could potentially cause symptoms in sensitive individuals.

It's important to note that individual tolerance to FODMAPs can vary, and some people may be more sensitive to certain FODMAP-containing foods than others. If you have been following a low FODMAP diet or have been advised by a healthcare professional to limit your FODMAP intake, it's recommended to consult with a registered dietitian or medical professional for personalized guidance regarding cranberry consumption and your specific dietary needs.

Nutritional Information
Ocean Spray Cranberry Nutritional Information
Produce of U.S.A.

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