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任何問題? WhatsApp 我們在 +852 5917 1181


  • Sushi Rice Recipe (with Vegan Sushi Ideas)
    9月 9,2020

    Sushi Rice Recipe (with Vegan Sushi Ideas)

    To become a real sushi chef, it takes more than 10 years of training. But to enjoy sushi at home, you can start right now!In Japan, maki rolls are made at home for gatherings or a saturday evening activity at home...

  • Green Jalapeno Harissa Dip
    9月 3,2020

    Green Jalapeno Harissa Dip

    Going Keto can be challenging when you run out of ideas. One way to breakthrough this challenge is to have an array of different sauces to make the same ingredient taste like a new invention. This recipe contains no added...

  • Lacto Fermented Lemons (Salted Lemons)

    Lacto Fermented Lemons (Salted Lemons)

    We have just received beautiful lemons from South Africa!  These lemons are sweeter than the lemons we are used to - they actually taste like a sweet, juicy 'fruit'Lemons are great to hold on to - and when ordered in bulk, we...

  • Vegan Ricotta "Cheeze" (no fermentation)

    Vegan Ricotta "Cheeze" (no fermentation)

    Making vegan cheese is not that complicated. Especially if it doesn't require fermentation.    In this blog, I'd like to share a simple yet tasty vegan cheese recipe.Here are the tools and ingredients you'll need.  Soy Milk. Pure Soy milk with simple...

  • Chilled Vegan Koya Dofu (no fish!)

    全素無魚日本高野 (Koya) 豆腐涼食

      今次,我想給大家介紹一個比較少人知的日本菜。會用到的是 Koya Tofu (高野豆腐),是凍乾了的豆腐與一個鹹甜湯底一起享用的。您可能在日本產廳有接觸過高野豆腐的拌菜。傳統的都挺甜的,差不多可以被當作甜品。      由於我不是用糖煮食的喜好者,我這個食譜的材料不包括糖,喜歡原汁原味的,可以選擇加糖。其實食譜裡的味琳已提供足夠的甜度。   高野豆腐的存放期通常都頗長的。小時候,學會了高野豆腐的由來是源自以為住在山上的人不覺意把豆腐留了在寒冷的天氣中。豆腐中的水份會因為融雪後,留了小孔的痕跡。所以就給予了代表著 ’高山‘ 的「高野」做部分名稱。有些人則說高野豆腐名字的由來是 ‘氷’ (Kouri),因為它是 ”冰豆腐“。它在寺廟是很受僧侶歡迎的食材。   雖然可以是炸的,但今天介紹的是家庭式的日式高湯 (Dashi だし) 煮法。    如果您去過日本,您就會發現在日本很難找到全素的菜式,因為很多時候會用到鰹魚乾和昆布做的日式高湯。這種日式高湯是很多日菜的基礎。      我一直都在叫如何用 「冰滴」方法製作全素日式高湯所以現在我教授日本菜時常會用到。只需以香菇把鰹魚乾換掉了就可以了。 又容易,又夠味,如果您會煮高湯浸泡高野豆腐一定要試試。   喜歡的話,可以熱食,室溫或雪凍吃用都可以。炎炎夏日是,我喜歡凍食。 可以預先整好一盤,慢慢當拌菜食用都可以。   日本清湯高野 (Koya) 豆腐 (2 人份量)    材料   2...
